Our Services
O’Bunco Engineering Staff and Our Supporting Consultants Project team members have managed numerous Traffic and Transportation Engineering Projects. Because the population of metropolitan regions in Pacific Northwest is expected to explode in the next 20 years, and this growth will overload existing infrastructures already at capacity; we believe that economics, negotiation/compromise, creative engineering/design solutions, and skills are paramount to any successful planning and land development process to resolve self-serving interest of all stakeholders.
• I-90/Eastgate Illumination & Signage Design
• I-405 from SR 167 to I-5 Illumination & Signage Design
• City of Lake Stevens LID Improvement (OEI was a prime)
• SR 167 from South 180th St to I-405 Illumination and Signage Design
• 20-Year Transportation Plan Lummi Indian Nation; Sub to VSTC
• SDOT First Hill StreetCar Channelization Design
• City of Lynnwood City Wide Pavement Management & Capital Investments (OEI was a prime)
• US101 Interchange @ Blyn Crossing/Wood Preliminary Design; Sub to VSTC
• NE 88th St from 7th Av/NE Kogan Road Extension to Hazel Dell, Clark County, WA (OEI was a prime)
• Developed City of North Bend database/mapping for Citywide Street
Pavement Management Information Systems & Capital Investments
• Vancouver Mall Transit Center Expansion and Relocation (phase1); OEI was a prime
• Vancouver Mall Transit Center Expansion and Relocation (phase2); OEI was a prime
• Preliminary Design NE 91st Street from 7th Ave extension to Hazel Dell Ave, Clark County WA (OEI was a prime)
• Pierce County TSP; Sub to DKS
• Project Manager responsible for Sound Transit Accessibility Design
Guidelines (Regional express, LRT & Commuter Rail) Updates to
reflect ANSI & IBC) (OEI was a prime)
• Sounder Commuter Rail Stations/BNSF Removable Platform: Project
Manager responsible for Feasibility Study of Commuter Rail Stations
Removable Platforms for Tacoma Dome, Puyallup, Sumner, Auburn, Kent,
Tukwila, King Street & Everett Stations. (OEI was a prime)
• Edmond Commuter Rail/Separate Track for Cargo Trains Feasibility
Study: Project Manager/Cost Engineer responsible this project. Detail
scope of work includes the Design Visualization Study, technical and
financial viability of build separate track for cargo trains and impact
associated downtown Edmonds/ferry terminal, prepared project
infrastructure costs for the following (OEI was a prime)
• Project Manager- Vancouver Mall Transit Expansion/Feasibility Study Phase II, C-TRAN, Vancouver, WA (OEI was a prime)
• King County Transit Speed & Reliability Program-King County Metro (sub consultant to DKS)
• King County Work Order Based Multidiscipline Planning &
Engineering Services for the Transit Speed & Reliability Project
(sub consultant to DKS)
• Pierce Transit TSP -as a sub consultant to DKS, OEI managed traffic
data collection & analysis on parking studies, & travel time
studies for Pierce Transit TSP.